Children must be treated without discrimination. Perhaps the most disadvantaged group in India are the millions of street children who live or work on the street. Street children have fallen through society’s cracks – there are few ladders for them to climb back up. They live as their parents did and as their own children are likely to do.

This blog is dedicated to such underpriviledged kids of india.

All photos are the copyright of sibtain shahidi.

We the children: In India, children’s vulnerabilities and exposure ...

We the children: In India, children’s vulnerabilities and exposure ...: "In India, children’s vulnerabilities and exposure to violations of their protection rights remain spread and multiple in nature. The manifes..."

Save the child

From the streets of mumbai.
The balloon she is holding actually had Indian triclour. on 15th august, the independence day this little girl was seen on the footpath of mumbai. her family comes from rural gujarat and sell petty things for their survival. this little girl had severe skin problem but didnt have money for treatment.

Save the child

Heal the baby girl. Her smile heals the world.
Opportunity. Give the girl child a chance.
Care, because she does it selflessly.
From a child to a mother. Lets us build a path for her.
Be bold to stop violence. Show your concern for the girl child.

Rohan- helpers of the handicapped

Helpers of the Handicapped, Kolhapur, Maharashta, India
22 MILLION- That’s the approximate number Of disabled in India counted in Census 2001
60 MILLION - That’s the approximate number of disabled in India according to Unofficial figures

Ahmed- helpers of the handicapped

Helpers of the Handicapped, Kolhapur, Maharashta, India.

Our Vision:
" Persons with Disabilities will be productive and self-supportive citizens leading fuller lives with dignity."

Mean street

From the streets of Mumbai.
Many of the street children who have run away from home have done so because they were beaten or sexually abused. Tragically, their homelessness can lead to further abuse through exploitative child labour and prostitution.
11 million kids in india are street kids.

Mean street

From the streets of mumbai.

Street children in India may be homeless because their family is homeless through poverty or migration, or because they have been abandoned, orphaned or have run away. It is not unusual to see whole families living on the sidewalks of Mumbai.

My brothers mom

Being a girl child.
In india a girl child is supposed to do take care of the family, nurse the younger ones, cook, entertain and secure them, while the poor parents are out working for a square meal.

Mean street

From the streets of Mumbai.
This destitute without legs could be seen anytime any day in any season, begging at a 4 bungalow traffic signal.

Mean street

From the streets of Mumbai.

India has the world's largest population of street children.
The reasons: Urban and rural poverty, disrupted and disintegrated families, accumulated family debts passed from one generation to the next, lacking educational facilities, school dropouts, ineffective government policies and many others make youngsters become children of the streets.

The mean streets

From the streets of Mumbai.

IN 15th-16th century England, A whipping boy was a young boy who was assigned to a young prince and was punished when the prince misbehaved or fell behind in his schooling. This boy whips himself on the streets of mumbai to earn his living. His father and forefathers have been doing the same. coming from far off rural india, they are considered to be folk artist but have ended up begging for their survival.